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  • 传统油污清洗剂对人身体有危害吗?
  • 本站编辑:杭州洛克威化工有限公司发布日期:2018-06-29 00:00 浏览次数:
What are the harmful effects of some traditional oil cleaning agents on human body?
1, toluene: colorless transparent liquid, has a similar smell of benzene. Health hazards are manifested in irritation to skin and mucous membranes and anesthetic effects on the central nervous system. Acute intoxication was manifested in a short time with high concentration of the product, which showed obvious irritation in the eye and upper respiratory tract, hyperemia of the conjunctiva and pharynx, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, weakness in the limbs, staggering gait, blurred consciousness. Severe patients can be restless, convulsive, and coma. Chronic poisoning manifests itself in long-term exposure to neurasthenia syndrome, hepatomegaly, and abnormal menstruation among female workers.
2, three chloroethane: used for ultrasonic machine cleaning and manual cleaning. It can also be used as dry cleaning agent and deoiling agent on metal surface. It is a colorless and non burning liquid with chloroform like odor. Poisonous! Inhalation of low doses can cause alcoholism similar to alcoholism. High doses of anesthetic can cause death in severe cases.
3, methanol: low toxicity to the human body, because the methanol in human metabolism will be oxidized to more toxic formaldehyde and formic acid than methanol (formic acid), so drinking alcohol containing methanol can lead to blindness, liver disease, and even death. More than 10 milliliters can cause blindness due to permanent damage to the optic nerve, and 30 milliliters can lead to death by drinking more than 4 milliliters.